Where fitness takes flight

Children's Timetable


 Class Timetable

Children’s Class Pricing

You can use Active Kids vouchers to pay for term classes. Go to the Service NSW website to get your child’s vouchers. This program provides a $100 voucher to parents twice a year which is $200 per year to help pay for activities for children. Separate to Active Kid vouchers, Wild Spirit Aerial Arts is a also a registered Creative kid voucher studio so you can use another $100 voucher to contribute to the payment of term fees.

$33 trial class

10 week term one hour class $330 you can nominate to pay upfront or via auto debit of $33pw.

Children and Teens Timetable

2021 Classes are scheduled and ready for enrolments.

Circus classes term 1 starts on 27th January-1st April 2021. To check out the class schedule and click on a date between the 27th January and 1st April for term 1.